Dutch Esopus / Wiltwyck / Kingston Memories by Theodore Dietz

By Theodore Dietz

utilizing brief essays that may be learn independently or in any order, Dutch Esopus/Wiltwyck/Kingston stories bargains readers a glimpse into the heritage of colonial Kingston. With an easy-to-read and interesting variety, the writer bargains details via anecdotes and likewise references vast old works in a manner all readers will get pleasure from and appreciate.

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Tattoogeschichten (German Edition) by Edo Popović,Igor Hofbauer,Alida Bremer

By Edo Popović,Igor Hofbauer,Alida Bremer

Geschichten vom Rand der Gesellschaft, die wie Tattoos unter die Haut gehen. Wie das Dream crew Charles Bukowski und Robert Crumb haben sich Autor Edo Popović und Comickünstler Igor Hofbauer für das vorliegende Buch zusammengetan. Herausgekommen sind Erzählungen eines gesellschaftlichen Verweigerers, der die Welt auf der eigenen Haut spüren möchte, ungeschönt und ungefiltert - kongenial begleitet und ergänzt von Zeichnungen im Stile einer picture Novel.

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More Max Carrados Mysteries (A Collection of Short Stories) by Ernest Bramah

By Ernest Bramah

This early paintings via Ernest Bramah was once initially released within the early twentieth century and we're now republishing it with a new advent. 'More Max Carrados Mysteries' is a suite of Bramah's vintage mysteries that come with the stories 'The secret of the Poisoned Dish of Mushrooms', 'The inventive Mr. Spinola' and lots of extra. Ernest Bramah Smith was once born close to Manchester in 1868. He used to be a negative pupil, and dropped out of the Manchester Grammar institution while 16 years previous to enter the farming enterprise. Bramah stumbled on advertisement and significant good fortune together with his first novel, The pockets of Kai Lung, however it used to be his later tales of detective Max Carrados that guaranteed him lasting fame.

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Deeper: Selected Short Stories by Cliff Jackman

By Cliff Jackman

“Nothing is what it sort of feels in those fascinating brief tales exploring believable darkish situations in gripping element … Jackman expertly pulls the reader into nightmare worlds mixing the banal with the actually terrifying… simply the best collections of brief tales I’ve ever learn … Jackman is a tremendous locate – i glance ahead to analyzing extra of his work…”
- Michael B Davie, writer, The overdue guy

Deeper is a set of brief tales probing underneath the skin of our traditional lives and unthinking assumptions to startling hidden truths

Featured stories:

- break out to Parry Sound – a guy struggles to maintain his family members secure after society's collapse.

- Treading Water – A bestselling writer, with an unexplainable bout of melancholy, abruptly unearths himself on my own in harmful waters.

- not anything to fret approximately – Prisoners in a focus camp in Northern Ontario reflect on the character of resistance and study precisely how a long way they’ll visit remain alive

- traditional and Unnatural Animals – An surprisingly smart mouse takes on a remorseless housecat.

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Sucrées salées (French Edition) by Caarju

By Caarju

« Mais un jour, on se rendit compte – combien de semaines après ? – qu'elle “recevait”, qu'elle avait même beaucoup de visites, tous les samedis à los angeles même heure : 14 h 30. Ces grappes de jeunes garçons qui arrivaient en ricanant, soufflant et trompetant. Ils se poursuivaient, se faisaient des croche-pieds, s'ébouriffaient les cheveux. Le portail était déjà ouvert. Ils ne sonnaient pas, ne toquaient pas, entraient comme chez eux. Ils avaient libre accès à l'antre Boule de Gomme des mystères, ils s'engouffraient chez elle et n'en ressortaient que deux heures et demie après. L'observation vicinale recommença et s'accrut, des heures et des heures. Les commentaires et les soupçons regagnèrent toutes les lèvres. Qui étaient ces jeunes hommes ? Que faisaient-ils chez Barbie ? Pourquoi venaient-ils ? Pourquoi les recevait-elle, eux et seulement eux ? » Laissez-vous porter par les savoureuses nouvelles de Caarju, travel à travel drôles, mystérieuses et terrifiantes. Un enterrement vraiment délirant, une peintre qui pompe le sang de ses visiteurs afin de sublimer son œuvre organique, un garçon qui communication par télépathie avec une certaine Martha, et un Dieu résigné qui refait le monde... L'auteur, à travers ces quatre nouvelles aux atmosphères différentes, fait valser nos émotions, dans une écriture fluide et élégante. Un ouvrage succulent !

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Il libro di sabbia (Biblioteca Adelphi) (Italian Edition) by Jorge Luis Borges,T. Scarano,I. Carmignani

By Jorge Luis Borges,T. Scarano,I. Carmignani

Nel febbraio del 1969, a Cambridge, su una panchina davanti al fiume Charles, Borges incontra un uomo che ha los angeles sua stessa voce e gli è più intimo di un figlio nato dalla sua carne. L’uomo è Borges ventenne, a Ginevra, seduto su una panchina davanti al fiume Rodano. Comincia così, con un vertiginoso ritorno al «vecchio tema del doppio» e alle atmosfere lucidamente visionarie degli scritti degli anni Quaranta, "Il libro di sabbia", che raccoglie tredici, memorabili, racconti – cui se ne aggiungono qui, in appendice, altri quattro mai radunati in quantity. Racconti di carattere fantastico. O forse sogni. O forse incontri con apparizioni spettrali: Ulrica, alta e lieve, labile riflesso di una saga nordica; una casa inconcepibile e il suo terrificante ospite; un vecchio, pallido e severo, venuto da un futuro dove si insegna l’arte di dimenticare. Ma anche incontri con oggetti da incubo, da cui paiono sprigionarsi il caos o los angeles divinità: il disco di Odino, a un solo lato e invisibile, che un taglialegna strappa al re dei Secgens e poi cercherà invano; il diabolico libro di sabbia, che non ha né inizio né positive né centro né ordine, e infama e corrompe los angeles realtà; le «tigri blu», pietruzze lisce e rotonde capaci di riprodursi e di minare los angeles scienza della matematica. Incontri, tutti, destinati a «ramificarsi nell’ospitale immaginazione» di chi li legge, quasi fossero scaturiti, miracolosamente, dai suoi stessi sogni. «In questi esercizi da cieco» scrive Borges «ho voluto essere fedele all’esempio di Wells: l. a. congiunzione di uno stile piano, a volte quasi orale, con una trama impossibile» – e il risultato è una prosa pacata ed essenziale, ma come non mai modulata e musicale.

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The Misadventures of Naivus Pathetus by Stephan Attia

By Stephan Attia

‘The Misadventures of Naivus Pathetus’ is a suite of brief tales (The sequel to ‘The 11th Commandment’) within which Naivus, the protagonist, struggles to outlive the trendy international. His trip starts off within the vernal equinox, in an outdated churchyard, in provincial Denmark, and stretches out the entire method from Copenhagen rural lifestyles to a ferry in Greece

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Aquello estaba deseando ocurrir (Volumen independiente) by Leonardo Padura

By Leonardo Padura

El universo habanero de las novelas de Leonardo Padura ya es inconfundible, pero hasta ahora sus numerosos relatos nunca se habían recogido en un solo volumen. Son historias magníficas de soldados que vuelven de Angola a l. a. Habana y recalan en Madrid, de jóvenes estudiantes seducidos por boleros y por cantantes de antiguo esplendor, relatos de amor y erotismo, de amistad y de descubrimientos, o de formación en los angeles atmósfera caribeña de una ciudad cargada de personajes y de vidas por contar.

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Sleepside: The Collected Fantasies by Greg Bear

By Greg Bear

Collecting six tales in outdated paradigms, Sleepside positive factors Greg Bear’s notable delusion writing: “Webster,” “The White Horse Child,” “Sleepside Story,” “Dead Run,” “Through street No Whither,” and the Nebula Award finalist “Petra.” This version additionally contains the certain advent by way of the writer: “On wasting the Taint of Being a Cannibal." 

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