Du Tractatus vers le second Wittgenstein suivi de Quine ou by Julien Mazet

By Julien Mazet

Julien MAZET vous invite à voyager à travers los angeles Logique qui n’est autre que los angeles trame de ce Monde et de notre entendement. Le Monde tel qu’il se représente à nous a été verbalisé dans deux livres majeurs que sont Le tractatus logico philosophicus de Wittgenstein et Le mot et los angeles selected de Quine. Ces livres sont les témoins de l’intellect humain : ils prouvent que l’Homme est en adéquation avec l’Univers. En effet l. a. logique humaine est celle du Monde.

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El somni de Lucreci (Catalan Edition) by Martí Domínguez

By Martí Domínguez

Martí Domínguez ret tribut al poeta Titus Lucretius Caro, que un segle abans de Crist va escriure De rerum natura (‘Sobre los angeles naturalesa’), un poema enciclopèdic que combina l. a. bellesa de los angeles forma i el contingut científic. Precursor de l'evolucionisme, el textual content destil·la un ateisme incisiu que va ser silenciat in step with l'Església durant segles. El somni de Lucreci narra precisament l. a. redescoberta del poeta romà a principis del segle XV, quan es va recuperar los angeles darrera còpia del textual content en un remot monestir alemany, una troballa que va impressionar els pensadors del Renaixement i de l. a. Il·lustració i que va influir en l'evolucionisme darwinista. Martí Domínguez destaca l. a. vigència de l'obra de Lucreci, que ha impregnat l. a. ciència moderna. Lucreci ja parla del pensament empíric en contraposició amb los angeles superstició, i descriu l'home com un producte de los angeles natura, alliberat dels déus.
El somni de Lucreci és un llibre contra el dogmatisme i el fanatisme religiós. És un cant a los angeles ciència, al pensament lliurepensador i il·lustrat, i un clam contra los angeles intolerància. Lucreci anima a pensar, i això sempre és necessari.

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¿Qué eres y qué haces aquí? (Spanish Edition) by Asier Romero,Isa Escandell

By Asier Romero,Isa Escandell

Qué eres y qué haces aquí? es un ensayo corto y conciso donde se analiza, desde un punto de vista psicológico, animal, el origen y las causas de los diferentes men que asolan el sistema social, económico y político que rodea al individuo.

Se exponen soluciones para paliar dichos problemas; posteriormente se intenta explicar l. a. finalidad y objetivos del hombre en el mundo.

Son una serie de capítulos cuya reflexión va en línea ascendente partiendo de lo más basic (la economía, l. a. política...etc) hasta profundizar en el alma del individuo y preguntarse acerca del sentido de los angeles vida, para, finalmente, mostrar que no somos tan distintos de los animales que nos rodean...

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Wind Sprints: Shorter Essays by Joseph Epstein

By Joseph Epstein

Who is the best dwelling essayist writing in English? Joseph Epstein could absolutely be on the best of anybody’s record. Epstein is penetrating. he's witty. He has a magic contact with phrases, that tough to outline yet instantly recognizable caliber known as sort. specially, he's most unlikely to place down.
Joseph Epstein’s
Wind Sprints: Shorter Essays is the 3rd quantity of essays from Axios Press following the a lot acclaimed Essays in Biography, 2012 and A Literary schooling and different Essays, 2014. It comprises 142 brief essays, literary sprints instead of marathons. topics variety from household existence to present social traits to an appraisal of “contemporary nuttiness.”
After analyzing Epstein, we see lifestyles with a clean eye. We additionally see ourselves a bit extra truly. this can be what Plutarch meant: existence educating by way of instance, yet with a wry smile and one of these certain hand that we not often discover the guideline. it is only natural pleasure.

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Zur Antike (German Edition) by Walter Jens

By Walter Jens

Walter Jens zeigt sich hier in seiner Vielfalt: Schlaglichtartig werden in seinen Essays, Fernsehspielen und Übersetzungen Gestalten und rationale der Antike beleuchtet, geschichtlich-mythische bzw. dramatische Stoffe der Weltliteratur originell umgestaltet und aktualisiert, die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Antike und Moderne veranschaulicht. Die äschyleische Tragödie, die Antigone des Sophokles und der Dramatiker Euripides sind sein Gegenstand ebenso wie Cäsar, Philoktet, Odysseus und die Götter des Olymp. Mythisches tritt in die measurement der Gegenwart ein und wird zur behandelbaren Geschichte. Die interpretierende edition gibt dem Mythos seine Zeitlichkeit, dem Modell seine Konkretheit, dem Archetypus seine Historizität zurück. In der shape eines themengebundenen Readers präsentiert der Band den Autor in der Fülle seiner poetisch-essayistisch-wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit: als gelehrten Ciceronen, der die Modernität des Altertums nachweist, als Novellisten und Fernsehspiel-Autor, als poeta doctus, dem es, im Sinne Thomas Manns, gelingt, den Mythos ins Humane umzufunktionieren und als Übersetzer von Sophokles’ Ajas – ein Wissenschaftler, Essayist und Schriftsteller in alledem, der mit Hilfe vielfacher Annäherungsweisen an das klassische Altertum dem scheinbar Fernen Zeitbezogenheit und dramatische Aktualität gibt.

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State of the Heart: South Carolina Writers on the Places by Aïda Rogers,Marjory Wentworth

By Aïda Rogers,Marjory Wentworth

South Carolina is a country of idea in addition to sport. via its normal good looks, storied history, and curious personality, the Palmetto country unearths its manner into the hearts and imaginations of each local, resident, and visitor to set foot on its 32,000 sq. miles of soil. carrying on with the layout of the preferred unique, this moment quantity of nation of the center: South Carolina Writers at the areas They Love celebrates and commemorates the connections that the entire members have present in the well known and far-flung destinations most valuable to them. With companionable attraction and storytellers’ spirits, editor Aïda Rogers and the thirty-six members invite you to amble throughout South Carolina with them for an opportunity to determine the country as they've got come to understand it.

For writers loved locations can captivate, educate, convenience, and infrequently hang-out. during this assortment participants ponder their hometowns, the rivers and roads that marked their lives’ trips, and the maligned neighborhoods they reworked simply by residing and dealing in them. relatives seashore holidays, church buildings and churchyards, athletic arenas modest and grand, a mountain vista, a quiet pond, a urban park, an old-time produce industry, Lake Murray, Brookgreen Gardens—these are only a sampling of the approximately 3 dozen deepest and public locations preferred by means of this different staff of writers of fiction, memoir, poetry, heritage, journalism, and extra. pictures, art, verse, or even a couple of recipes accompany the essays, bringing readers extra into sharing the writers’ experiences.

While kingdom of the center is rooted within the panorama of South Carolina, readers from wherever will relate to its common topics of growing to be up and growing older, reputation of prior error, returned-to religion, the closeness of friends and family, honoring those that got here sooner than, and environment our collective points of interest at the promise of the long run for adored humans and places.

Marjory Wentworth, South Carolina’s poet laureate, presents the foreword to this assortment, along with her poem “One River, One Boat.”

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From a Limestone Ledge: Some Essays and Other Ruminations by John Graves

By John Graves

"Another high-quality, reflective, anecdotal examine rural Texas." —New Yorker

"Graves writes eloquently a few countryman's matters. there isn't a fake notice within the book." —Boston Globe

"Like the unmortared stone fences of Graves's local hill kingdom, From a Limestone Ledge is developed of bits and items by no means designed to slot jointly, but made to accomplish a harmony that's extra enduring than the sum of its person components at the hands of a grasp craftsman." —Southwestern ancient Quarterly

"The fantastic thing about his paintings endures, and there's a better delight in Texans' hearts for his or her domestic, i feel, than there will be if he hadn't written the books he did." —Rick Bass, Garden & Gun

"In describing the details of his atmosphere, Graves usually was once describing the area in microcosm and where and plight of humankind in it." —Bryan Woolley, Dallas Morning News

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The Quotable Osler - Revised Paperback Edition by Mark E. Silverman,Charles S. Bryan,T. Jock Murray

By Mark E. Silverman,Charles S. Bryan,T. Jock Murray

prepared by means of subject and carefully listed, this thoroughly up-to-date and revised paperback version encompasses a chronology of Osler’s existence and achievements, plus 50 new quotations, forty of which come from a formerly unknown deal with Osler gave to clinical scholars on the college of Pennsylvania.

The Quotable Osler is the correct source for these looking an apt quote for an editorial or presentation, or for these desirous to pattern Osler’s thought-provoking and uplifting messages. Osler’s significant and invaluable teachings are undying, and this new paperback version is the perfect reward for a fellow health care provider, clinical pupil, or a graduating resident.

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Aux couleurs de Rome (L'Imaginaire) (French Edition) by Valery Larbaud

By Valery Larbaud

"Puissantes, lourdes, chargées sont les couleurs municipales de Rome. Comparé à son jaune, celui du drapeau pontifical, le même pourtant mais accolé au blanc, paraît léger, aérien ; et son pourpre ne s'obtiendrait qu'en aggravant de violet ou de bleu d'outremer un rouge déjà foncé. Pourtant elles se trouvent dans l. a. nature, et des fleurs communes les évoquent : les boutons d'or et les pulmonaires par exemple. Je les ai vues aussi reproduites, involontairement, par des bouquets de soucis et de tulipes sur les tables d'un eating place parisien.
Je suis très attentif à ces rencontres fortuites des deux couleurs de Rome. Elles me paraissent de bon augure."

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Ethnography of Goa, Daman and Diu by A B de Bragnanca Pereira

By A B de Bragnanca Pereira

The highbrow and cultural efflorescence in Goa reached its apogee within the overdue 19th and early 20th centuries. Antonio Bernardo de Bragana Pereira used to be a made from this time, and Ethnography of Goa, Daman and Diu is an expression of the writer passionate curiosity in scholarship and examine into numerous dimensions of Goan existence. His highbrow interest and significant spirit led him to delve deep to appreciate the lan very important of the society of his ancestors and to catalogue the various dimensions of Goan existence. within the e-book he describes the rituals, customs and manners of assorted castes and religions, their habitat, their artisanship, their atmosphere and all points of Goa and Goan society. Ethnography of Goa, Daman and Diu was once released as a two-volume variation in 1940 in Portuguese. In making the second one quantity on hand to a bigger readership, the publishers practice a twin function of bringing this scholarly paintings to a brand new new release of readers and in a language that might be available. Its e-book is a tribute to A.B. de Bragan.a Pereiras passionate attachment to Goa and his satisfaction in being a Goan.

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